24th May - 4th September 2022 — Exhibition on Joe Colombo

30th May 2022 — Teatro Arcimboldi in Milan

11th May 2022 — Conference dedicated to Sergio Asti

5 February 2020 — Teatro Arsenale, Milan

25 septiembre 2019 — Tu Reforma 2019, Zaragoza

16 - 22 aprile 2018 — San Francesco al Fopponino Church, via Paolo Giovio 41 – Milan. Guided tours from 8.30 pm to 9.15 pm.

6 november 2017 — Olivari, able to renew itself: presentation the new catalog and the new website. San Francesco al Fopponino, Milan.

Lo scorso 22 agosto si è inauguarata la mostra Design e Territorio II, presso Palazzo Parasi nella città di Cannobio sul Lago Maggiore (Novara). E’ stata una grande soddisfazione constatare la visita di un numeroso pubblico e del vivo interesse per i prodotti esposti.

At Expo 2015 (1 May to 31 October 2015), the Order of Architects in Milan and its Foundation propose "Architectural Walks in Milan", a series of guided tours to discover the modern architecture of Milan.

The Automotive Museum of Turin is hosting from the 16th of October 2014, the exhibition DESIGN AND TERRITORY II organized by the Delegation ADI Piemonte - Valle D'Aosta to highlight the richness of an area devoted to design.
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