The Portuguese National Surf Masters Championship was sponsored by Olivari.

Olivari chooses Tommaso Lipari for interpreting the new handles — The 2013 marks a new collaboration for Olivari, the one with the artist and video maker Tommaso Lipari, young Italian talent already appreciated in the international level.

An exclusive door with the door handle Arc by Rodolfo Dordoni – Riva 1920 designs and manufactures a new covering in solid walnut of forestation for Torterolo & Re, armored doors.

"AElement" electronic locks for hotels feature wireless technology and Olivari handles.
SALTO Systems, a Spanish firm known around the world for its cutting edge solutions in the field of access control and security, launches "AElement", a new generation of electronic locks for hotels, that makes use of wireless technology.

Denver, the style selected to complement the IDEA door by Daniel Libeskind for Tre-Più — In 2009 Daniel Libeskind designed the Denver door handle for Olivari.
A tribute to the American city of Denver, where Architect Libeskind created an extension to the city’s Art Museum.
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