The Permanent Observatory for Design ADI selected Olivari for publication in ADI Design Index 2011. Olivari was selected in the category Research and innovation process....
The Permanent Observatory for Design ADI selected Olivari for publication in ADI Design Index 2011. Olivari was selected in the category Research and innovation process....
"Match" between Claudio Gentile and Marco Materazzi refereed by Giampiero Mughini — Olivari and Tre-P&Tre-Più arranged a meeting between the two world champions refereed by the popular leader writer by Daniel Libeskind's residences at City Life in Milan....
Olivari celebrated the presentation of the new catalogue and the new website at the Arsenale Theatre in Milan with photos of: Alessandro Di Giugno, Laura Fantacuzzi, Ramak Fazel, Bruni Pulici, Max Rommel....
Olivari launches a new app for iPad: “Macchina Semplice/Simple Machine”...
Olivari have celebrated at the Triennale di Milano, the 100th year of its foundation with the show 100 years of Olivari handles, edited by Stefano Casciani. ...
On the occasion of the 2011 edition of the "Salone Internazionale del Mobile" Exhibition, Olivari celebrated the "100 years of door-handles”, by Stefano Casciani....
Great presence of visitors to BAU 2011 in Monaco, Germany — It has been a great satisfaction to see that our participation was honored by the visit of a large audience of professionals and visitors and a keen interest in the news presented....