17 Design studios tell their own story by giving voice and shape to inaccessible spaces, where access to the public is forbidden: the dressing rooms of the Arcimboldi Theater.

Olivari participates in NO ENTRY — It was created to allow the Arcimboldi Theater to reopen after the Pandemic, developing extraordinary collaborations with some of the most important creative voices in design and architecture. the project will take place with the support of technical partners, companies and workers thanks to which the works will have no impact on the theater’s economy. A virtuous example of how, in a moment of very serious difficulty for the theatrical sector, Art arrives in support of Art.

The event is curated by Giulia Pellegrino

© Comune di Milano – CASVA, Archivio Vittorio Gregotti

Contact info@olivari.it to reserve a visit.

The contest

NO ENTRY is also a contest based on a vote by the public which will award the winner, as a final prize, the task of renovating the “Camerino Muti”, dedicated to the famous orchestra master who first inaugurated it at the opening of the theater. These are the participating studies:

BDGS e Daniela Volpi
Calvi Ceschia Viganò Architetti Associati
DAP Studio
Enrico Scaramellini Architetto
Francesco Rota Architettura
Galante + Menichini Architetti
Gio Latis Studio

Monica Baio e Nicola Quadri
NM Nick Maltese Studio
Paolo Volpato & Caterina Steiner
Park Associati
SenseLab + Nicolò Gobini
Studio .Cagnato
studio wok